Online Interactive Psychrometric Chart

A convenient, precise and customizable psychrometric chart & calculator tool for HVAC engineers. Support IP and SI units.

Click on chart for air properties
Quantity Value Units
P.Ambient Pa
T.Dry.Bulb °C
Humid.Ratio g/kg(d.a)
Rel.Humid %
T.Wet.Bulb °C
T.Dew °C
T.Saturation °C
Enthalpy kJ/kg(d.a)
P.Vapour Pa
P.Sat.Vapour Pa
Spec.Heat kJ/(kg.K)
Spec.Volume m^3/kg(d.a)
Density kg/m^3
Air processing calculation
# Tdry, °C
Set point to -1,-1 to start new line.
Select 2 point #
Point A: Point B:
State changes from point A to B
Dry air flow: kg/h
Delt.H/Delt.d kJ/g
Heating load kW
Cooling load kW
Humidifying g/s
Sensible heat kW
Latent heat kW
Mixed air from state A and B
Point A percent: %
T.Dry.Bulb °C
T.Wet.Bulb °C
T.Dew.Point °C
Rel.Humidity %
Spec.Humidity g/kg(d.a)
Enthalpy kJ/kg(d.a)
Primary return air cycle
Quantity Value Unit
Tdry.Indoor °C
Rel.Humid.Indoor %
Tdry.Outdoor °C
Rel.Humid.Outdoor %
T.Vent.Diff °C
Fresh.Air.Ratio %
Heat.Load kW
Wet Load kg/h
Vent.Rel.Humid %
T.Dew.Apparatus °C
Cooling Load kW
Heating Load kW
Fresh Flow kg/h
Return Flow kg/h
Secondary return air cycle
Quantity Value Unit
Tdry.Indoor °C
Rel.Humid.Indoor %
Tdry.Outdoor °C
Rel.Humid.Outdoor %
T.Vent.Diff °C
Fresh.Air.Ratio %
Heat.Load kW
Wet Load kg/h
Primary Flow kg/h
Secondary Flow kg/h
Fresh Flow kg/h
Vent.Rel.Humid %
T.Dew.Apparatus °C
Cooling Load kW
Heating Load kW
Parameter Settings
For I/P Units:
Huimidity Ratio
Chart Limits:
Min.Humid.Ratio g/kg(d.a)
Max.Humid.Ratio g/kg(d.a)
Min.T.Dry.Bulb °C
Max.T.Dry.Bulb °C
P.Sea.Level Pa
Altitude m
Apparatus dew point humidity: %
Chart Lines:
Display settings
Item Color Line.Style Width
Process line
Display preset:
-10-505101520253035404550 0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 0.80 m^3/kg(d.a)0.90 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90% -10-505101520253035404550556065707580859095100105110115120kJ/kg(d.a) Dry Bulb Temperature, °C. Pressure = 101325 Pa Humidity Ratio, g/kg(d.a) SENSIBLE HEATQsTOTAL HEATQt=HUMIDITY RATIOΔWENTHALPYΔH=-880. Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
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